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Performance Tracking  > 2007 Hurricane Season  > Introduction

WebSitePulse 2007 Hurricane Season Web Performance and Uptime Report

WebSitePulse provided free monitoring and notifications to some of the most popular websites during the 2005 and 2006 Hurricane Seasons. The free service was part of our Company contribution to the relief efforts after Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma (see our Press Release for more details).

This year WebSitePulse decided to continue the monitoring of the key websites providing real-time details, forecasts, emergency information, and donation opportunities in times of hurricanes, floods, and other natural or man-caused disasters. As the public Web Performance Reports became part of WebSitePulse contribution to the online community, data from the continuous, multiple-points measurements of some of the most used Hurricane- and disaster-related websites will be displayed on a daily basis during the most active time of the Season - August 6th and October 31st, 2007.

The Reports will reflect the most common performance criteria: response time and availability - but in-debt analytical information is also collected and stored in the WebSitePulse system for future references.

An RSS feed from the daily Reports will be available for more convenience for those interested in the performance of the monitored websites.