Press Room  > Newsletters  > Past Newsletter Issue

December 01, 2005

The Largest Giveaway In The Web-Monitoring Industry

Dear Valued Customer,

The launch of our redesigned and re-engineered monitoring system coincides with the upcoming Holiday Season, and WebSitePulse is running several promotions during the month of December.

I would like to briefly mention them to you, and invite you and your friends to take advantage of these unprecedented opportunities:

Promotion #1 - Free monitoring:
All new accounts opened in our new system are free until the end of the Beta period.
We encourage you to test various features and options of our system with no limitation, cost, or obligation;

Promotion #2 - 15% discount for one year:
Open an account in our new system now, and stay with us after the end of the Beta testing period.
All such accounts will enjoy 15% discount of the current prices until the end of 2006;

Promotion #3 - 10 x $1000 Customer accounts:
Ten of the accounts opened during the Beta testing period will be randomly selected on December 27th, to receive free monitoring services for $1000 each. In this case, the 15% discount mentioned above will apply for 52 weeks after the $1000 are completely used;

Promotion #4 - MP3 Players:
Give us your feedback using the "Talk back to us" notepads we have opened for your convenience on each page of our Control Panel, and win one of the three Creative MuVo MP3 players we will be drawing before Christmas.

Promotion #5 - $48,506 in W$Ps (WebSitePulse Monitoring Dollars):
Help us spread the word about WebSitePulse new system by sending our message out to your friends, and give yourself (and them) the chance to win a $100 worth of monitoring services - free of charge or obligation. The total value of this promotion is $ 48,506, and new winners will be announced every day in December. Learn more about it right here.

Please, feel free to call us with questions or suggestions at anytime. Our Customer Support is free and available to you 24/7 at 1-888-WSPULSE.

If you missed the exciting recent developments at WebSitePulse, please, visit us at to catch up with the news about us.

Thank you for your business, and takeITeasy™ with WebSitePulse.

Iavor Marinoff