Follow redirects from META Refresh tags

The meta refresh tag is a meta http-equiv tag which, when inserted into the header of an HTML document, will cause the visitor's browser to load a new web page after a specified number of seconds have passed after the initial document has loaded, basically redirecting the visitor to the new page. The webmaster specifies the new page to be loaded and the number of seconds that must pass before the new page is loaded. The meta refresh tag takes the following form:
<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="4;url=">
If enabled the monitoring agent will check your page content for similar tags and will try extract the URL to which the page is redirected. If a valid URL is found the monitoring agent will try to open it disregarding the time parameter. You should disable this option if you are using META refresh tags for session timeout, for example sending the user to a Log Out page after 30 minutes of inactivity.

Please notice that only the first redirect will be followed, if the result page contains another META refresh tag it will not be followed.

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