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Monitoring network
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Why monitoring
Why WebSitePulse
Do the Math
Mobile Access

WeSitePulse Mobile Access

PDA and SmartPhone Control Panel

Our Customers with SmartPhones and PDAs connected to the Internet can access their control panel at It does not have the full capabilities of the regular control panel, but provides real time status of the monitored targets, express Start/Stop of monitoring and alerts, detailed status of each target and some other functionalities.

If you are using a PDA or a SmartPhone, please check its control panel details.

WAP Control Panel for cell phones

Our Customers who use WAP browsers on their cell phones can access their control panel at Now Customers can check the real time status of their servers and websites at any time 24/7 and get quick access to the details of failed targets and the detailed status of every target.

If you are using a WAP enabled mobile phone, please check its control panel details.