Website Availability Monitoring

Posted on July 24th, 2024 by Simon Rodgers in Monitoring, Guides, Explainer

Website availability monitoring dashboard on a screen

Website availability refers to a website's ability to be accessible and functional for users at all times. It is typically measured by uptime percentage, which indicates the proportion of time a website is operational over a given period. High website availability ensures that users can consistently access the content, services, or products a website offers without interruptions.


7 Reasons Why You Need Data Loss Prevention For Your Business

Posted on February 13th, 2024 by Simon Rodgers in Security, Explainer

Shield protecting data

Protecting sensitive data in an increasingly digital world is becoming more and more challenging.


What is Synthetic Transaction Monitoring? (And How Does it Affect User Experience)

Posted on January 22nd, 2024 by Simon Rodgers in Monitoring, Explainer

Synthetic transaction monitoring

In today's world, your web applications must work properly to capture your audience's attention and keep them on your website for longer than a few seconds. It's a battle to keep potential customers engaged, and you'll lose out on valuable leads if your website isn't performing optimally.


7 Common SSL Certificate Errors and How to Fix Them

Posted on December 29th, 2023 by Simon Rodgers in Lists, Security, Explainer

SSL Certificate error warning

No matter what industry you work in, your customers need to trust you. And, with 70% of internet users now taking various steps to protect their digital footprint online, your website must be secure.


Email Deliverability 101: Definition and Best Practices

Posted on December 11th, 2023 by Simon Rodgers in Guides, Explainer

Ensuring emails are delivered

Creating engaging emails and sending them to well-targeted groups is only half the battle in email marketing. The other half is email deliverability, or ensuring your messages get to their intended inboxes rather than the spam folder.