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What Is Application Monitoring and How Is It Performed?

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Last updated May 21st, 2013 by Boyana Peeva in Monitoring, Tech

Application monitoringApplication monitoring

Application monitoring watches out the availability and performance of multi-step web transactions and web applications to ensure they deliver excellent performance from the end-user perspective. Typical web transactions could be customer logins, purchase order fulfillment, submitting different web forms, and other user interactions with a website and web application.

Monitoring your website for any flaws, errors, or suspicious hacking alerts should be performed frequently. Waiting until you are at the end of a section or insert wastes your time and your website's functions. Therefore you should keep a proactive stance regarding monitoring. You should be the first to realize a problem is looming, and you should be able to fix it before it is common knowledge.

Real-Time Monitoring

Real-time monitoring measures your traffic from your requesting data and then its return to you. This represents Real-Time Monitoring. You will use two kinds: active monitoring - incorporating an agent to monitor applications using proves or robots that are present to report a system availability and transactions, and passive monitoring, usually without any agent and using network ports. Most user companies will have more to support web-based applications. Therefore active monitoring is used with passive complement each other, especially during off-hours when your transactions are fewer.

Security Monitoring

The ability to ferret out attacks and intrusions is covered by security monitoring. Since each network brings protocols into this seek and destroy security mission, monitoring your security can be complex. You will have to set certain points for monitoring your security, and those points must be appropriate. Therefore the business should retain a competent security company to audit any installations and guarantee an adequate set for threat barricading.

Understand Application Performance

When you analyze data, it assists you in understanding how your applications are working, as the raw data will easily show your balance between volume and total revenue. It is inevitable, of course, that applications will have errors. Being proactive in your monitoring gives you the privilege of finding errors or problems first. If these things are going to happen in your company, you should discover them before your customer.

When Proactive Monitoring Isn't Enough

You have been diligently proactive in all things, and it still isn't enough? That least you with the only solution: Be Reactive. You sometimes overlook the importance of frequent backups. This will cost you wasted hours of downtime if you can't correct that trait immediately. Redundant backups are the way to go. Match CodeGuard and WordPress Backup = DropBox for perfect protection. If one fails, you still have the other.

Tests for Monitoring

The monitoring of your applications requires numerous tests with different criteria. There are tests for Host, Domain, Website, Foreign Location, and others, including Blacklist, which is a test to determine the existence or absence of any malware among your connections. One of the more interesting tests is the Great Wall of China, which determines if your website is received and available at a set place in China. This is also done for places in Europe and Australia. China has taken steps to prevent websites it does not admire and has a firewall in place, although it can be breached.

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Boyana Peeva

Believes that the glass is rather half-full and that nothing is bigger than the little things. Enjoys writing, reading, and sharing content – information is power.

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