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Performance Tracking > 2006 Hurricane Season > Report Highlights
2006 Hurricane Season Report Highlights
- August 17, 2006 Floridadisaster.org website down for 2 hours: Floridadisaster.org website was hardly accessible between 6am and 8am EST this morning. Most of the time the server did not respond at all to requests from all monitoring locations. No events of particular importance or possible negative impact on the online visitors' interaction were detected for the rest of the monitored websites.
- August 23, 2006 Floridadisaster.org website down again for one hour: Floridadisaster.org website was not accessible for almost an hour just after midnight. The server did not respond to requests and most of the time the DNS servers of the domain did not return any records either. No events of particular importance or possible negative impact on the online visitors' interaction were detected for the rest of the monitored websites.
- August 24, 2006 Floridadisaster.org website fails again under heavy load: Floridadisaster.org website appeared to be under heavy load from online visitors and timed out on most performance checks between 7pm and 9pm EST this evening. Even the successful monitoring probes were much slower than the usual. The other monitored websites performed without any detected performance and uptime problems.
- August 28, 2006 Floridadisaster.org website down again under pressure from online visitors: Today, the basic web performance indicators were negatively impacted, as Floridadisaster.org website was unavailable for online Users looking for emergency information related to the current Hurricane Season for approximately 45 minutes, between 3:30 and 4:15 PM EST. The problem with the website was detected and confirmed by all monitoring locations.
- August 29, 2006 Crowds of online users bring Floridadisaster.org website down for almost 3 hours: The basic web performance indicators were negatively impacted today, as Floridadisaster.org website was unavailable again for online Users looking for emergency information related to the current Hurricane Season, for total of 2 hours and 40 minutes. The first incident occurred right after 7 am EST and continued for approximately 1 hour and the second incident started at 3.40 pm and ended at 5pm EST with short periods of uptime in between. The problem with the website was detected and confirmed by all monitoring locations, and the reason for the outages was related to more users trying to access the website than it can handle.
- September 2, 2006 Floridadisaster.org website unavailable for almost 5 hours today: Floridadisaster.org was unavailable for almost 5 hours today, which is the longest detected website downtime period ever recorded in our public reports to date.
- September 27, 2006 Third-party provider causes Floridadisaster.org website to fail: Multiple internal server errors were detected today while monitoring the Floridadisaster.org website. After a closer investigation it was discovered that the errors are caused by a part of the monitored web page, which displays a list of current alerts for the state of Florida. As this part of the page depends heavily on a 3rd-party information feed and doesn't prevent the visitors of Floridadisaster.org to access the website, the monitoring settings were modified to exclude the problematic part of the page from the monitoring process.