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WebSitePulse 2010 Vacation Planning Websites Performance & Uptime Report

The once steady-growing travel industry was heavily hit by the 2009 recession, high unemployment rates, flu-pandemic fears and a continuous economic uncertainty. The only surprisingly resilient trend apears to be the constantly increasing usage of the Internet as a means of discussing, planning and booking both leisure and business travel, reports eMarketer (http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?R=1007654).

This year online booking is expected to experience a big growth and make up for an even greater percentage of the travel market. However, according to the report, if online travel companies want to distinguish themselves from their numerous competitors, they have to point their efforts towards making the online booking process fast, transparent, robust and mobile for their consimers. Constant availability, fast response time and easy navigastion are also a must for the online travel companies which are seeking to keep and increase their customer base.

We are launching our Vacation Planning Performance Tracking report to see how the most popular vacation planning and booking websites will handle the challenge of the increased web traffic during the summer travel booking period. We have selected twelve popular travel websites from US, Europe and Australia that rank at the highest search engine positions. We will monitor these sites continuously from May 17 through June 30, 2010 and measure the performance levels and the availability of these websites independently and from various remote worldwide monitoring locations to best reflect the End Users' experience.

The reports and charts will be updated daily showing the results from the previous day and for the entire monitoring period to the current date.

The WebSitePulse Performance Reports measure Website Uptime and Website Response Time as the most important metrics for the availability and the reliability of any web-based operation, critical for the End Users' overall online experience. The Reports reflect not only the performance of the websites home pages, but typically measure a complete web transaction representative for the End Users' interactions with a website. Measurements of the multi-step web transactions are made every 15 minutes, simultaneously from 4 different monitoring locations. The WebSitePulse advanced monitoring system has automated, built-in false alarm prevention and error verification controls that ensure the reliability of the measurement results. The Reports reflect the most common website performance criteria - response time and availability. In-depth analytical information is also collected and stored in the WebSitePulse system for future references. The WebSitePulse Application Monitoring service is used to collect data and produce the Report.