Performance Tracking > 2011 Valentine's Day WebSitePulse 2011 Valentine's Day Online Retail Performance and Uptime ReportThe Holiday season may be behind us, but there is one big holiday ahead causing a major stir in the hearts and wallets of the consumers - Valentine's day. We saw a positive rise in sales during the Holidays and this trend is set to continue through Valentine's. The National Retail Federation reports that consumers are not done spending yet and this year they will be much more likely to dig deeper into their pockets for their loved ones. According to the Valentine's Day Consumer Intentions and Actions Survey, conducted by BIGresearch, this year the average consumer will set aside $116.21 for Valentine's day gift and the projected sales for the period are expected to reach $15.7 billion. NRF President and CEO Matthew Shay notes that "Jewelry, candy and apparel sales should provide a nice boost for retailers during the typically slower months of January and February." Another survey conducted by eBillme adds futher details to the forecast. They predict that 32% of the consumers will shop online for a gift this Valentine's Day; compared to 23% in 2010. While customers are on the hunt for better deals, be it on- or offline, the rapid growth in online sales presents a huge opportunity for the online merchants to build on the gained Holiday sales momentum. And to be able to make the most of the Valentine's shopping spree, retailers need to make sure that their sites are always accessible and their performance is up to par with the industry's standards. To check how the online retailers will handle the pressure WebSitePulse is monitoring ten of the most popular online shopping destinations for the 2011 Valentine's Day. The measurement results from the transaction monitoring reflect the performance levels and the availability of the ten websites related to the increased Internet traffic during the period. This information is helpful to analyze the End Users' shopping experience, the reliability of the IT infrastructure of the Internet retailers, as well as their estimated losses in case of downtime and unavailability of critical websites, web pages, web systems, network devices, and web applications. Continuous website monitoring for all ten Internet retailers covers the period February 1 through February 14. The reports and charts are updated daily showing the results from the previous day and for the entire monitoring period to the current date.
WebSitePulse reports the following results from web performance measurement of the websites participating in the the Holiday Retail Performance and Uptime Report: The daily Average Response time from all monitored websites was 22.496 sec.
The typical shopping transaction took the least time for visitors - 7.336 sec., while the visitors of had to be the most patient, as the shopping transaction there took in average of 48.557 sec. Three of the monitored websites delivered above-the-average response times for their transactions, while six of them demonstrated below-the-average daily performance. The daily average uptime for the entire Group was 99.67%.
Five websites were available with no interruptions - 100%. Seven websites' availability was above the average, while two sites dragged the average down with below-the-average availability. Report Highlights No events of particular importance or possible negative impact on the online visitors' interaction with the Websites included into the 2011 Valentine's day report were detected during the reported period, and according to WebSitePulse, the Group delivered the expected levels of End-User experience and Customer satisfaction. Please, scroll down for Detailed Reports and Charts provided by WebSitePulse: Daily Response Times
Average Response Times for February 15, 2011
Average Response Times February 01, 2011 - February 15, 2011
Hourly Average Response Times Select individual website to display:
Average response times by hour for February 15, 2011
Average response times by hour February 01, 2011 - February 15, 2011
Uptime Uptime February 15, 2011
Uptime February 01, 2011 - February 15, 2011
Methodology: The 2011 Valentine's Day Reports reflect a complete fullpage web transaction, representative for the End Users' interactions with a website. The reporting period covers the dates between February 1 and February 14, 2011. Performance and availability measurements are made for a typical multi-step web transaction at 15 minute monitoring interval, every day 24/7. The WebSitePulse application monitoring service is used to collect data and to create the reports. The steps in each transaction are comparable for all websites, and reflect the real online shopper experience. The simultaneous monitoring is performed from 3 US-based locations of the WebSitePulse monitoring network: San Francisco, CA, Chicago, IL, and Washington, DC. In case of a detected malfunction or unavailability, the system performs automated error verification from 3 independent resources and only after the above procedure is performed and has returned consistent results, the detected error is confirmed, recorded, and included in the daily performance reports. In these cases, an advanced WebSitePulse exclusive feature comes into play - Forced Monitoring -, which automatically switches to a 3 minute monitoring interval for increased accuracy. About WebSitePulse: WebSitePulse is a leading provider of global, independent, and objective availability and performance monitoring of web sites, servers, network components, web applications, e-business- and email round-trip transactions. Contact: For more information about this report please contact: George T., CTO phone: 1-407-380-1600 email: Reproduction: WebSitePulse launched the Performance and Uptime Reports program to keep the general public and the Internet community informed about the performance of specific websites and the challenges their webmasters, owners and operators are facing on a daily basis, especially when the web traffic intensifies due to some special events through the year. Some of the most popular web destinations, related to each particular event, are selected for the purpose of the Reports, and data from their performance measurements is made available on the WebSitePulse public website. With the intention to broadly disseminate this information for the benefit of the Internet community, we encourage the use of this information without prior approval and under the following Terms and Conditions:
The Data from the performance measurements cannot be changed or manipulated and should be used "as is". |