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September 23, 2005

Hurricane Rita Service Announcement

Dear Valued Customer,

Hurricane Rita approaches the Texas coastline, raising concerns for a great number of business owners and operators.

WebSitePulse operates a monitoring location in Houston, TX, and our team understands the complexity of the situation that might occur during the next few days.

We would like to inform you that our monitoring station is located in a best-in-class Datacenter in Houston, Texas and all possible measures have been taken from our end. The Datacenter management further informed us that all their systems are secured, robust, and redundant and no operational interruptions related to Hurricane Rita are anticipated.

However, let me to assure you that we are taking double precautions to protect your web-investment. We will be watching the storm status and the operation of the Datacenter in Houston 24/7, and in case of power outage or other unexpected disruption of service, we will immediately switch all monitored targets to another monitoring location, part of our global network.

Your web sites and servers will be monitored 24/7, and as long as you do not hear from us, you should not be concerned about their performance.

Thank you for being our Customer and


Iavor Marinoff