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December 01, 2006

WebSitePulse launches its Holiday Retail Performance and Uptime Report

Dear Valued Customer,

For a second consecutive year, WebSitePulse launches its Holiday Retail Performance & Uptime Report to keep the public, the media, and the Internet community informed about the challenges webmasters, owners, and operators are facing during the busiest online shopping period of the year.

According to our data, customers experienced several hours of poor website performance on Black Friday. Fortunately, on Cyber Monday, online shoppers enjoyed consistently good webpage download speeds and availability with all ten e-tailers included in our Report.

WebSitePulse Performance Reports measure Uptime and Response Time as the most important metrics for the availability and the reliability of any web-based operation, critical for the End Users' overall experience. The Reports reflect not only the performance of the websites' home pages; a complete web transaction representative for the End Users' interactions with a website is measured every 15 minutes, from several monitoring locations simultaneously to ensure the reliability and the accuracy of the results.

Take a look for yourself, and use the data as a benchmark for your own website performance.

For your convenience, an RSS feed from the daily Reports is available, as well.

Please, feel free to call us with any questions or suggestions at anytime. Our Customer Support is free and available to you 24/7 at 1-888-WSPULSE for US and Canada.

If you are one of our International Customers, please call us at 1-407-380-1600.

Thank you for your business, and takeITeasy™ with WebSitePulse™.

Iavor Marinoff - CEO